Alliance for Metal Clay Arts Worldwide

Superbly Sintered: Masterful Designs in Metal Clay

SINTER Exhibition 2024 - 16th - 19th May 2024, Bradford, UK

This exhibition is open to anyone using metal clay in their work.

Up to 22 pieces of exceptional work will be chosen by a distinguished jury for entry into this exhibition so the competition will be fierce. And you have the chance of winning our Best in Show Award which will be awarded by our jurors.

The prize is $500 and the winner will be announced at the official opening of the exhibition at the SINTER event on Thursday 16th May 2024 in Bradford, UK.

Anything made using metal clay is acceptable including but not limited to jewelry, decorative items, bodily adornment, functional items etc.

All entries must use metal clay in part or in full. Mixed media work is acceptable, but the entry should use metal clay as a significant element in the design. 

Deadline for Entering

The deadline for entering your image is 31st December, 2023; however, don’t delay entering! The fee to enter is $12 for up to three different pieces of work. 

Photograph Standards

The only thing the jury will see when making their deliberations will be your entry photograph. It is vitally important that your photograph represents your work in the very best way possible. Here are the rules for submitting your photograph: 

  • Use a high-quality photograph with a plain, uncluttered background and no additional props (plants, rocks, etc.) 
  • Do not show jewelry on a model or held in your hand. 
  • Jewelry must be complete and ready to wear, ie pendants must be on a chain, earrings on ear wires etc.
  • Details of the piece should be clearly visible in the image and it must show the entire piece from the front
  • You can add a second image to your submission which shows detail or a focal element
  • Pieces chosen for the exhibition will be displayed from the front only so there is no need to show the back
  • The photograph must be in focus and well lit. 
  • Images initially entered should be 300-dpi, JPEG format and no larger than 4MB. 
  • Up to three submissions are allowed per person. 
  • Do not list your name, company name or logo or any other information that may identify you in your photograph. 

How to Enter

You will need to set up an account with ArtCall.  It’s free, you will just need to set up your account with a username and password.  If you have already used ArtCall to enter a challenge or call for images, just use your existing login information. 

  1. Please read the terms and conditions before entering
  2. Set up an account by clicking the blue Register button in the upper right corner. You must be a member of AMCAW to register and submit.
  3. Click the green Login button in the upper right to enter your information and upload your photographs.

Here is a short video to learn more about using ArtCall.